Sunday, December 31, 2006Y
~31st December 2006, Sunday~
~31st December 2006, Sunday~
Woke up at 11am plus.
Went to do some chinese.
But didnt really know wad the question is talking about.
So asked mun yaeng.
After that, came to use com.
Now gotta do my literature homework.
Got alot need to be typed out.
So no choice.
At night maybe going count down.
So see ya!
1:11 PM
~Yesterday, 30th December 2006, Saturday~
~Yesterday, 30th December 2006, Saturday~
Yesterday, woke up early.
Cos i asked my mum to wake me up so can finish some of my homeworkS.
I dun think i can finish it though.
Well, yesterday only managed to finish up 2 news article...
Enough of homeworks.
After lunch, my family went to the hang ten warehouse sales and bought many things.
Not really MANY.
But okkies larx.
After that we went home.
Then took our things that we are bringing to hui min jie jie's house.
But before that, i went to j8 to return my library book.
Afetr that, when we reached there, we went to the function room and started eating and chatting.
Then there's a cake.
And they celebrated all the january birthday the people.
So funny.
YiCheng is So cute~!!!
Then at around 8.30pm, we went to hui min jie jie's house.
The adults started playing majong.
Then the other adults not playing are either chatting or watching tv.
As for me, i stood beside my father to watch him play majong.
After that went to play UNO.
Played until 12am plus, my uncle fetched us home.
Then went to sleep le(=
~The end.~
12:46 PM
Some pics taken after netball...
These are some pics that are taken after netball.

Presenting to you.... SHU TING!!! hahax(=

Yuh ling on the monkey bar.

Yuh ling and her shoes.

Julia kidnapping her shoes.. lolz(=

Julia playing with the shoes again~!

Is yuh ling gonna fall?!?!

Julia act cute.

So big le still play with this rocking dinosaur. Hahax(=

Are they posing to me?? Hahax(:

Yuh ling with a twist!

Another one...

Aiyo! Julia ar. So big le still so childish. Haix... hopeless. Hahax. jkjk(:
End of pics. See ya! Smilee(:
12:07 PM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006Y
~26 December 2006, Tuesday~
~26 Decmber 2006, Tuesday~
Well, today just woke up not long.
Now going to continue to post about yesterday...
~25 December 2006, Monday~
After i woke up at 8am something, i came to post.
Then i went offline, and i went to watch tv and eat my breakfast.
Till 10.30am something.
Then i felt so tired that i went back to sleep.
Cos it was so cooling.
That makes me sleepy.
Then i woke up at 1pm something again~.
Then i went to eat.
Bread~ which was like breakfast time.
Then i watched kids central from one plus to four something i think.
All the shows are nice.
Except the care bears.
Not that their shows are not nice...
But they showed for one and a half hour.
I watched until so tired.
Then i felt hungry again.
I went to cooked maggie but ate half of it then gave my father.
Cos cannot finish.
While eating, i went to do my homework.
Soon after i eat, i just knew that i was going out.
My brother changed so i quickly go and prepare.
Yesterday was a family day!!
I love it.
Cos my father, mother, brother, and i had a nice day out.
Eat together, shopped together, and everything else.
I love it.
Anyway, we went Bugis the Seiyu, and some other shops outside.
After shopping, we went to cold storage cos my mum got $10 voucher.
After shopping, we went back.
When we reached home, it was 9.30pm.
YEah! I was still in time to watch the last half an hour of the 9o'clock show(bai wan bao).
After watching, i went to bathe, then called yuh ling to chat.
While cghatting, i did my chinese.
But i dun think i can finish my homework...
So i went to sleep.
last night i had a very good sleep.
Cos it was a little raining then it was so cold.
~26 December 2006, today~
Back to today.
Yes! Today my brother went to my cousin's house to play.
So i can use com for the whole day!!
But not really the whole day larx.
Later going out shopping again.
Then at night going watch concert.
So might not be able to post today.
I mean at night.
Now think got nothing to say le.
So see ya.
Going eat 'breakfast and lunch'
See ya!(=
11:19 AM
Monday, December 25, 2006Y
Yeah! Christmas is here.
But gotta say byebye to school holidays also.
A week more before school reopens.
I've got many happy events to post but all thanks to my dearest brother.
Whole day use com.
If got spelling or whatever errors, don't blame me.
Thats because most of the time is my brother rushing me.
So got no choice but to type faster(=
I scared my homeworks cannot complete lehx...
Someone help me stop the time can??
Anyway, i post so early because later i cant probably use and because i need do my homeworks.
But very happy that i got 2 presents from my mother!
A Very nice and sweet t-shirt, and a shoe bag!!
So hope you all also got lots of presents on Christmas!!
For me, i don't really get presents on these occasions(:
Might be sad but i dun mind(:
Anyway, gotta get back to work!
See ya!
8:42 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006Y
~22nd December 2006, Friday~
Netball training..<33
Today coach didn't come.
So for a start, as the floor is wet, we didn't run 2.4km.
We ran around the parade square and tossing back the ball to the person behind us.
Then we did stretching in the netball corner.
We didn't do conditioning[30,30,30] today.
So after stretching, we did straight run through.
Followed by ball work.
If we drop the ball, each pair will have to do 5 push-ups each.
I kept dropping the ball.
Then i hit trina so many times and i caused her to do push ups with me on the parade square.
Sorry trina ):
I will have strong hands in future.
After that, we took a short break.
Then each senior took 2 C'gals.
At first i dunnoe wad they were going to do.
Then they went to stand on the 'bench'.
We had to jump to the highest point.
The senior who took me and shu ting wad Hidayah!
Our Captain!!
She held the ball really really high because she wanted us to jump.
I could touch the ball 8 times.
The last 2 times, i had a hard time.
Cos i was jumping and jumping that i felt so giddy.
When i finished, i went to take a sit on the parade ground while shu ting go for her highest point.
We also did drive-in, dodge, highest point, where Hidayah throw the ball high up and we had to jump and catch it.
Erm... still got many others but dunnoe how to say it.
After that, we took a break, then we were dismissed.
I was very hungry!
Then Sok Wan suddenly say.
Shooters must shoot 500 shots!
We was like... WAD?!?!
Cannot larx.
So me, julia and shu ting went to shoot.
Trina, Sok Wan, Adeline and Yuer stayed back to accompany us while others went home.
We managed to shoot 100 shots.
Then we played half court.
I played as GS and GK.
Very fun but i almost break down.
Cos i was so tired after shooting in 100 shots.
In the middle, we also need to lunge to the feeder to shoot!
How tiring.
Trina went to put back the balls with Sok Wan.
While shu ting and Yuer went to toilet.
I also wanted to go.
But haix...
So julia and i sat at the netball corner until everyone came back.
Adeline left first.
Then left Sok Wan, trina, julia, shu ting, yuer and me.
We went to 7-11 buy maggie eat.
I was like a hungry ghost.
Lolz. jkjk(=
When we cooked the noodles, we also bought a Super Big Gulp and went to sit under the void deck.
We eat while chatting with each other.
While eating and chatting, many people walked past us and were looking at us with very strange looks.
Are we aliens?
We saw teachers and some band mamber, BB, walked past us.
Then, me and trina saw a boy, that looks like shi hong, our mummy.
We wanted to call but didn't.
It was very fun eating and chatting.
When we departed, me and trina walked different ways with the senior and julia they all.
When crossing the traffic light, we heard someone call "TRINA!!"
Lolz. when we looked back, we realixed that it was our mummy, shi hong.
We were right!! That WAS mummy!!(=
We walked to bus stop talking about some scret things.
We waited for bus.
Then 165 came and we boarded the bus.
When the bus reach my stop, i bad trina farewell.
I walked home.
Feeling so tired that i could drop down anywhere!
Now that i've reached home, i am still stinking cos i haven bathed.
It was very windy.
So cold!!
Today, i wanna thank Sok Wan for accompanying us for the shooting and went for lunch with us.
And Hidayah too! For coaching us.
(= hahax(:
Now i going bath first.
LAter evening gotta go out meet my mother at Bishan.
Then going church for serbice and some celebrations.
My aunties and cousins are coming too!
So i'm looking forward to it.
I shall sign off from here.
Good day!
1:40 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006Y
20th and 21st decemberr 2006, wednesday and thursday.
2oth December 2006, Wednesday. [ yesterday ]
We gotta go to school for netball training and friendly with Chai Chee Sec Sch.
At first, we did 2.4, taken down timings.
We must complete 2.4km run brfore 17.59mins.
If not, we needed to run another extra run per min outside the school.
Me, trina, shu ting and julia ran together.
Trina and my timings are the same which is 17.40.
Close ritez??
Shu ting's timing is 17.46 i think while julia's one is 17.51.
After the run, we carried on to stretching.
Then we did conditioning, which is 30 push ups, 30 crunches, 30 left and 30 right crunches, and lastly, it was 30 tosseraces.
I was so dizzy after the run. And while doing the 30,30,30, i felt like i was upside down!!
After that, we did straight run with seniors until Chai Chee Sec came.
Then we took a break, and the match started.
The first round was seniors mixed C'gals.
At the ending of the first round, coach came!
For the second quarter, its the C'gals who played.
Shu ting was the GoalKeeper, while i was the GS.
I was like forgotten about taking the rebounce, and all that.
Sorry team!
For the third quarter, it was the B'gals who played.
They did very well!
As for the last quarter, it was the mixed of B and C'gal's recree* team as there were not enought players. *dunnoe how to spell recree*
Trina also mixed into the recree team because as i said, not enough people.
When the match ended, we shook hands with them, and coach wanted Bowen's B and C'gals to play against each other.
I was like...haix... sure lose de lar.
But we tried our best!
For that quarter, i played as defender GK.
Very fun lehx.
I feel like changing my positions.
Cos got not much stress.
When that quarter ended, coach talked to us about the match and all that.
She also said this:
For the C'gals, your timing for the next 2.4 which is on Friday, must hit 17.30mins.
Then the timing will decrease by 30sec each time.
And for that extra round that some of us must run if we run slower and reached after 17.30 mins, will have to run another run outside the school WITH timings!
And next year, 2007, as we will be B'gals, we have to hit 13.30mins!!
Can you believe that, 13.30mins is so fast!!
For me and trina, average 1 round, we will take 5 mins plus!
Haix... think we must buck up alot.
Jia you!!(=
After the coach talked to us, we did cool down which is 4 laps, while coach talked to Chai Chee.
After the cool down, we did stretchings, then Hidayah talked to us.
Next, we were dismissed!!
Trina came my house eat maggie and play computer.
Think julia they all dunnoe(=
After trina went home, my mother called and told me to meet her at Bishan at 6.30pm.
Which i had to leave house at 6.05pm.
And at that time, it was 4.20pm.
I was thinking if i should take a nap.
I was so tired that i went to sleep.
I have got two alarms.
One is my hp alarm, and another is my mother called to wake my up at 5.30pm.
I couldn't wake up until it was 5.45pm.
Then i quickly changed, packed myt hings and went out.
After i met up with my mother, we took the train to meet up with gege and my aunty and cousins.
We went to food republic to have our dinner, then went to hear our church's choir sing.
It was nice!
We also met many of our church's members there to support the choir too.
There was a crowd which i felt so warm and started to perspire in the crowd.
But its worth it!
When it ended, we met Xinyi jie jie with the kids.
Oh yah, the choir included girls and boys, young and old. The smallest one was very cute and small!
Later i will upload about 2 ormore pics.
I didn't manage to take alot of pictures cos it was too crowded.
After the choir, we went to some shopping malls before heeding home.
I was so tired when i reached home.
Thats is the end of yesterday!!
21st Decmber 2006, Thursday. [ today ]
Today, i woke up at 12.05pm.
Late ritez??
Cos i very tired mahx...
Anyway, i just had my lunch.
Now gotta let my mother use.
See ya!!
Christmas is coming!!(=
Merry Christmas!
12:18 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006Y
~17th December 2006, Sunday~
Its been a long long time since i post. Cos i got NO chance to use the computer. And i have been quite busy lately. Let me post about today.(=
Today morning woke up at 8.50am.
Cant make it to church cos i got make up tuition.
So my mother and brother went out to church first.
After they went out, i heard the pouring of the rain sound.
Oh gosh!
I was intending to bring a file to go to tuition.
But as it was raining, i had to transfer everything into my bag.
It was so rush.
After preparing, i went out.
When i was about to cross the road, i took out my umbrella.
To my suprise..., I FORGOT MY UMBRELLA!!
I was like going mad by that time.
It was getting later and later.
So i called yuh ling who is my sis.
Then i found out that she was still st home.
I was like 'phew'.
After going home to take the umbella, i held up with sis.
I needed to cross the overhead bridge.
And today i wore a long shorts.
Which i had to fold up because i was wearing slippers and it was too long.
Thats because I AM SHORT!! Sobbb...
Anyway, i was DRENCHED when i was at the opposite side.
I waited for my bus.
It came in less than 5 minutes.
When i was on the bus, i called yuh ling.
Oh she was still at home!!
So when i alight at the bus stop, i need to cross the road again~!
Cos i am meeting sis at the MRT. Cos we are rather late.
Thats why...
When we met up, we quickly go into the station as we were running out of time.
We didn't top up our cards because of the TIME!!
When we reached Kovan, we quickly heeded for the tuition centre.
First, we went to the office to ask where the classroom was.
We were lucky cos today's class was at room 3 which is at level 2. And that we didn't went to the Thursday science class which is at room 11 at level 4!
So the tuition started.
Sis said ' Later Joyce's "stead" come again. '
After 5 mins, he really came in.
We were laughing like mad!
Then the class was VERY VERY cold~!!
We were freezing.
We couldn't really concentrate.
I feel that Thursday's class is better cos its more peaceful.
But Sunday's class is more active and fun??
Lolz(= dunnoe larx.
Anyway, we were all wishing that time could go faster because it was really cold.
Outside was still drizzling i guess.
When the time was up, we quickly packed our things and chiong out of the classroom.
It was much much more warmer outside.
Even my spectacles went 'cloudy'. Lolz!
Then me and sis went to hawker to eat lunch.
We bought 2 plates of Nasi Lemak which costs 1.90 each which is really cheap, and a cup of sugercane drink with lemon.
Then got one aunty and uncle came to share the table with us.
They chat to us.
Then sis and i was like laughing.
After eating, we went home.
We took bus 101.
Then i chiong down the bus to board the bus behind which is 43 cos i need to change bus.
Thanks to yuh ling. Can save my time from waiting for the bus(=
We had lots of fun during the lesson.
When i reached home, i came to post.
Now gotta go le.
Cos my bro wanna use.
So...see ya(=
2:15 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006Y
~14th December 2006, Thursday~
Now, i just woke up from a sleepless night.
Dunnoe why i cant get to sleep last night.
Turning here and there.
But i suppose i got some sleep.
Now, i am going to face this empty house, and this boring computer.
I find using computer is more and more boring.
Everytime i come to use the computer, i will just face the screen and going in the net to see if there's any games to play.
But luckily, i am going out later.
Not to play of course.
Going tuition with yuh ling and shu ting.
Later going to the netball court there to shoot.
So we will have erm... maths and science today.
Now after posting, i have nothing to do already!!
Guess i can only get back to my book.
And hopefully, can finish up my homework!
Oya Oya! [ only those in my pri sch and in the same class as me in pri 3 & 4 knows wads this ]
Oh and i told yuh ling about that too!
Okkies. So... See ya!!
10:11 AM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006Y
~12 December 2006, Tuesday~
~12th December 2006, Tuesday~
Today woke up at 9.57am.
I told my mother that i am going out with my friends but she dun let me.
So i messaged yuh ling and was suprised to find out that she and mun yaeng cannot go too.
I cannot go because my mother dun let.
Yuh ling is because she dun feel like going.
The mun yaeng is because her parents dun let her also.
As for trina, i called her then found out that she need to take care of her sister.
So she cant go too.
So left with all the boys.
So i went to eat my breakfast, and used computer.
While using the computer, i was talking to trina on the phone.
She told me that her mother dun let her go out because she need to take care of her sister and that her mother never give her money because she want her sister and her to eat dinner with her at night.
Then trina say that her mother got motive of not letting her go out.
But trina and i has lots of reasons why we cant go.
This is Secret~!
So i used computer.
From morning, i have been uploading the pictures in my blog until now!
But between 11am to 12 pm, my brother used the computer cos he was going out soon.
So i went to read my story book for an hour.
The story was quite saddening.
Becuase there's this girl named Jess, had one perfect family of 2 teachers as her parents.
Quite stress though.
They have been very happily together and Jess had been going out with a very popular guy in school and that half the girls in that school likes him.
But one day, she leant that her mother had breast cancer.
This was like a summaryof the whole story.
Still got half more book to read(=
I had my lunch before using the computer at 1.50pm i guessed.
Then i chatted with yuh ling.
Then while uploading the pictures, i went to find new blogskin.
But felt so bored.
So i went to the Sims website to take a look.
But there was nothing much so i went to take a shower first.
Then i played miniclips.
But like very sianx.
Cos got nothing new to play.
So i just slowly wait for all the pictures to be uploaded.
And thank God!
I finished it already!
Opps. Now its 5.30pm.
Want to watch television and want to read my book.
So see ya(-
5:18 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006Y
wow~ bac again~!
So long never post le. So let me post about the 4 nations. Well, it was very very exciting. It started on 6th December to 9th December which is today. Today's match was very very exciting and nice. At the start was the 3rd and 4th placing. Canada and Scotland played aginst each other. And Scotland won. The score is 55 to 38. Next was Singapore against Papau New Guinea. Two very strong teams. On 8th December which is yesterday, PNG won Singapore. But... Today SINGAPORE WON!! WOHOOO! I am so high today. Everybody shouted like mad and now i got a sore throat. Hahax(= The score is 41 to 46. Singapore 46 PNG 41. Yeah!! We also took pictures of ourselves there, at the Toa Payo sports hall, and with the Singapore and Scotland netball team. Okkies. Now... let me upload the pictures for you.

Thats Julia captain and Me!!

Thats Julia captain//me//trina

Thats us again~!

Isn't that us again?? Lolz(=

thats cute julia and me again. Is it the same photo? I am wondering. Lolz(:

This was taken on 6th December. Julia//me//yuh ling

Thats taken with seniors.
From top left to right-Hema, Sok wan, Faiizah
From bottom left to right-Yuh ling, me, Trina, Julia

Thats Shahira and Trina
Thats all for the pictures WE took ourselves. Lolz(=
Now for the pictures with the Scotland team.

Thats Lesley(captain of Scotland netball team) and Shahira

Thats Lesley and Trina

Thats Lesley and Me!!

Lesley with our future caotain. Julia!! So pei. Captain and Captain. Julia jia you!!

Thats Lesley with Shu ting. The tall tall ones. Hehex(=

Thats Us with Dolly whose real name is Sharyn Lyon.
From top left to right : Julia, Dolly, Shu ting
From bottom left to right : Me and Trina

Thats the 'family' picture with the Scotland team as well as other people(=
Thats all for the pics taken with Scotland. Now its time for the pics with the SINGAPORE TEAM!! Wohoo! Lets Cheer!!~ lolz(=

Thats all for those pics taken with the Singapore team. Hehex(=
I spent one hour plus doing this lehx!!
Haix... Now next are the the pics i took after the match i suppose.
If not, these should be those...
Aiyah you all se for yourself larx. dunnoe how to explain (=

Wait. I need some rest like... sleep??
Its very late le.
Tomorrow need wake up early.
So good nitez.
Tomorrow then continue post.
Still got alot lehx.
Stay tuned!

Those 2 pics are taken on the first two days(=

This is the Singapore team after they won PNG. Thats the score too. If you cannot see clearly, it is 41 to 46. PNG to Singapore. Yeah! Singapore won!!

The Scotland team. Preparing to take a group photo. They got 3rd. Yeah! Scotland team rawks.

The umpires receiving thier certificate and a small token?? Not sure.

This is our netball coach de coach. Lolz. Thats wad i hear from my Captain Julia Tan!!

Do you see that sign?? Its SINGAPORE!! Waiting to receive their prizes. Everyone was like screaming like mad. Lolz(=

This is Paupa New Guinea. Lolz(=

Canada the shooter receiving a GOLDEN netball from the man... lolz(=

The Scotland shooter this time(= Tall insn't it?

Now is the Singapore shooter!!!

Now i the Canada's captain to receive another golden netball for the team!

This is The Scotland's captain. Receiving the golden netball too.

This is actually the PNG's captain holding onto the golden netball. But its a little blurr.

And this... is of course the Singapore's captain! Receiving the golden netball and everyone was cheering. Screaming their hearts and lungs out. lolz(:

This is all the Singapore team memebers receiving a trophy.

Now every of the Singapore team members have recived thier trophies. Now preparing to take a group photo.(=

Now is the two Singapore team Captain receiving the Big Big trophy!! WOHHOOOO!!(=

Now you can see the two Singapore team members holding the big trophy up!! So guang rong.

Now wad you can see is all the camera man want have the 2 captains and the trophy's pictures. Lolz(=

The back view of the CaptainS in Singapore netball team holding the trophy up high. YEAH!!!~

That big big trophy!

Thats the Singapore, scotland, umpires, followed by PNG then Canada. I also have almost all the Signatures of the Singapore team too! Thats all the pictures i took. Finally completed! Yes!!!
10:15 PM