yoZ people
long time no post le.
cos i cant log into blogger.
many many things happened these few days/months.
so i will let you view some of the pics we took(:
cross country
trina and i got 3rd and 4th placing.
netball rawks man!
the first 4 placing all netball de.

trina and me

together we strive


julia and trina

trina and shuting
At jovian's party(:

the group of boys

weeHung and trina

munYaeng, trina and zhiYong

yanni and trina

a fight? jkjk.

trina and yuhLing

trina, brendan, zhiYong, yuhLing and munYaeng

trina and munYaeng

me and trina

trina, me and yuhLing

sisters forever

trina with the big swimming pool

trina and me at the playground
being a PI is fun(:

a cat

probably to scare the MOUSE away~

the moon on that night (28th April 2007, Saturday)

jovian emo-ing

fwenz 4eva

the pool

isn't it nice?? (:

we always had fun together(:

trina and me with zhiYong behind

weeHung falling off from zhiYong's back at the playground. lolz(:

weeHung and trina again...comparing their heights

munYaeng and zhiYong

trina and yuhLing

4 of us(:

water!! (repeated)

repeated pics again~

at the bbq pit

trina and munYaeng

the 4 of us again~!

thanx fwenz(:
you all brightens my day up.
xie xie(:
3:57 PM