last day of school(:
Well, i (etET) was the first to reach the bus-stop today.
Then came porPOR (yuhLing) and manMan (munYaeng).
And lastly came roarROAR (trina).
We went inside the school.
Then we proceed to the hall.
Today got lots of prize presentation.
Forgot called wad le.
Anyway, trina and i went up on stage to take a trophy.
Cos we both ran 3rd and 4th for the cross-country.
My trophy(:
And it says, 19th annual X-country, 2007.
Lower sec girls. 3rd(:After receiving the prize, trina and i went back to the hall to sit.
Cos we dun wan to sit in front(:
We watched the rest of the prize presentation.
It was so long.
The netball inter-class trophy is very nice.
After the whole prize presentations and after all the announcements, we had our recess until 10am.
Trina and i went to buy noodles.
And trina said : "Today is last day, so must wait for one month then can eat it again."
After recess, it was the hand campaign.
We had to clean our own table, as well as clean our own form class(:
It was fun.
Cos we ran up and down the toilet to wash the cloth and all that.
And the soap i brought, was the washing clothes the powder.
And i didnt even got to use it.
Cos at the start, dunnoe which person took my packet of washing powder.
And so i borrowed from yuhLing.
Thank You(:
We brought out the tables to the corridor to let the tables dry after scrubbing them.
And guess wad?
Our class was flooded with water!!
Then liPin, dawn, weiKang, zhengAn, zhiYong, and many many more, helped to mop the floor.
The boys used cloths to clean the floor.
So funny. hahahas(:
Our teacher also helped to mop the floor.
I dunnoe how to spell the teacher's name.
After that, we stacked the tables and chairs to the back.
Then came in miss Cynthia, our history teacher.
She gave us each a bar of chocolate and asked us to write in her sketch book so that she can have some good memories.
She will not be teaching us history already.
Cos after the holidays, we would be learning geography.
After that, mr Rahmat started giving our our report books.
Then he called us one by one to see him to get our report cards.
I wrote in miss Cynthia's sketch book(:
And when i saw my report card, i felt like crying out.
I dropped so much.I am so so so so so disappointed in myself.
I felt disappointed not because i lost to joyce.
Its that i am disappointed in myself.
I dropped so much.
I studied so much.
Haix... guess i still have to work harder and harder and harder.
Maybe yuhLing said correctly.
I must lock up myself for 1 week.
Cannot go out cannot use com cannot watch tv, only can study study study.
Might consider doing that.
xian ku hou tian.
I hope my life would be like that.
Trina accompanied me to the washroom.
I felt tears in my eyes.
I tried holding back my tears but i couldnt do that.
Trina knocked on the door.
I wiped of the tears and went out. 
Returned back to classroom.
I was really really touched by munYaeng's words.
Cos after i got back my report card, munYaeng whispered into my ears.
She said "Dont be sad. You have something joyce dont."
I was thinking... what was it?
And she said again "at least you still have the 3 of us."
When i heard that, i really feel like crying out.
I was so touched with her words. 
After she said this, i knew FRIENDS IS important.
And i must treasure them.
Thanx to yuhLing trina and munYaeng.
Thanx for being my best friends in this school.
Not forgetting my classmates.
Our class is always full of joy(:
Of course not leaving out my netball friends.
Especially julia and shuTing.
jamie shar nad yuer jos tibah
And my other friends...
KMT mel denise ...
If i am going to list out all, i will take the rest of my whole holidays typing.
After all those, tirta, yuqi alif and i went to see miss normala for the maths olympiad thing.
We took a consent for the trip on 29th may.
When we heed back to class, miss Goh was inside.
She gave us chocolates too(:
After all of us had taken back our report cards, we were told that we could go back home.
Trina, yuhLing, munYaeng and shuTing went out.
They went Funan the Kimage to cut hair.
I went back home.
Today really got no mood le.
When i reached home, i ate my lunch, post half-way, then went to take a shower.
Now continuing to post.
Now... let me type out what my report card says==================================================
Bowen Secondary School
Examination results
First Semester for year 2007
Name: Jonea ... ... ... 25th May 2007
Class(S/No.):2E6 ( 7 ) sex: F Stream: Express
Subject Exp grade CA1 SA1 Combined Mark / grade level Ave / max
English language C6 62.0 59.0 60.1 B4 56.2 75.1
chinese C5 77.0 78.0 77.6 A1 65.9 84.6
Geography(revised) - - - - - - -
History(revised) C6 85.0 66.7 72.2 A2 63.9 85.6
Mathematics B4 93.0 96.0 94.9 A1 68.9 97.8
Science C5 79.0 65.0 70.3 A2 66.3 89.8
Design & Technology C5 90.0 62.0 73.2 A2 60.5 85.2
Home Economics - - - - - - -
Visual Arts C6 94.0 68.0 75.8 A1 61.8 87.6
Civics & Moral education A
Total: 524.1 / 700.0 M.S.G: 1.86 (expected: 4.43)
Percentage: 74.9 / 100.0 L1R5: 11 (expected: 30)
Class position: 2 / 41 Attendance: 100%
Level position: 6 / 246 Conduct: Very Good
Remarks: A conscientioys student who strives to do her best, Jonea has done well this semester.She should continue in this spirit and aim for better grades next semester.
Very Good! Jonea keep it up.
That should be all.
But i have not improved.
I dun wan post le.
See ya(:
1:31 PM
exams are over(:
Well, exams are over.
But i ain't happy at all.
At my results... ):
All my results spoils my day.
Eveytime i think about it, i feel like fainting.
All my results has dropped.
Can you believe it?!?!?
literature :
paper 1 : -
paper 2 : 34/60
overall : -
mathematics :
paper 1 : 49/50
paper 2 : 47/50
overall for paper : 96/100
overall for mid-year : -
science :
paper : 52/80
overall : -
art :
exam work piece : 68
overall : -
Still got 2 more papers to get back.
which is Design & Technology , and History!
Well, i am prepared to fail D&T.
As for History, i can only pray that i can pass.
As for Chinese, we had to do zuan ti zuo ye.
So still not very sure of my overall marks.
But i think i scored 73/100.
Which is like 2 marks to A1.
Hope teacher can help me add some marks to make an A1 for me.
As for maths, i am totally hopeless!
4 marks to full marks!!
All careless mistakes!!!
For paper 1, at first i got 50/50.
Just becayse of one careless mistake, i minus one mark.
That question i think everyone got it correct!!
As for paper 2, square root x = 12/48
guess wads my next step?
I actually put x = square root of 12/48!!
Wad am i doing!!!
should be 12/48 square and the answer would be 1/16.
I am going bonkers!!
How can i make such silly silly mistakes?!?!?!
I am so damn angry!!
its over.
i am prepared to drop in my results.
lets just wait):
post next time then.
See ya everyone(:
2:20 PM
my mum told me Mothers' Day is next week. 13th May.
how how how.
i was like telling my mother...
'mummy Happy Mothers' Day'
she looked at me so syrprised then say...
'harr? early Mothers' day present?'
so paiiseh.
anyway, treat it as an early Mothers' Day surprise barhx(:
i gave her the card and the present.
let me show you some of the pics barhx(:

the card i did for her.
of course there's a note for her...
but cant post it.
cos its a secret.

this is the cushion i bought for my mum.
thanx to trina yuhLing and munYaeng for helping me find this cute cushion(:
hope my mum likes it(:
love ya mummy(: MUACKXX!
12:11 AM
well, today stayed at home.
studied history all day.
but sadly, i haven finish A chapter!!
few more pages to go.
am i slacking too much or is it A LONG CHAPTER??
think i am slacking barhx...
11:26 PM