Tuesday, October 30, 2007Y
animal farm.
Well, looking forward to this day to the animal farm.not alot of ppl go actually.me, trina, yuhling, munyaeng, joanna, christin, and syed.actually felicia and dawn comin, but they couldn't get a cab.so we left first.
trina look so lady.hehes

group photo with mr rahmat.
shall miss him badly next year.
how i wish he could teach us forever!!!

whose hand is that?
from that polo tee, u can tell that the hand belongs to YUHLING!!!


wow.all didffernt expressions.munyaeng looks more natural!

munyaeng with yuhling(:

as you can see the bus is rather empty.
only 8 person in it.

feeding the rabbits with carrots!!

too tired after eating?

still feeding.

so cute!!

we went to feed the goat too!
then still got fishes, pigeon,many others!
fun Fun FUN!!!

then we saw this, er...goose?
dunnoe larx.
laying eggs.

later can see them fight.

strange animals.

real fierce.

old animal.


nice pose(:

see the eggs?

its them again.


see the 'goose' that i mentioned?the eggS!!interesting!


feeding?or isit too sunny?

its me patting the goat.

trina taking photo with the goat(:

and the goat urinated!!hahahahahas!!!

ahh.see them fight.

so violent.

i was thinking...
are they putting up a show for us?

dogs!so cuddly.



this dog very cute.

trina twisting again~!

trina taking photo of herself?
no larx. is i take de.

double twist.now i know why trina so happy today.
she told me sth that made me wanna laugh.

munyaeng taking photo!!!

see the 3 of them?

mr rahmat gave us money for our lunch.
actually going hougang mall, but the driver drove us to hougang point instead.
so we had our lunch there.

friends forever!!!

mr rahmat with munyaeng.

me with mr rahmat!!!

mr rahmat with yuhling!

and lastly, with trina!!!!
must thank mr rahmat for tolerating our class.always bringing joy and fun for us.really hope that he can teach us next year!nitez everyone~!
4:50 PM