Tuesday, February 26, 2008Y
morning was cold...
regretted not bringing jacket.
took back chem, physics and geo paper.
chem got 33/50
phyics got 31/50
geo got 19/25
OMG!!!all so lousy.
someone help me!
after school went to amk to watch L save the world.
it is a very nice show!!
everyone must must watch.
L is like so cool and cute larx..all his actions, and the way he speaks.
but in the end...sob...
anyways, after that walked around and julia went to buy her school bag.
then we saw this wierd person below.
hahas.thats julia.
she looks like those star wars character.
nothing else to post already.
tomorrow can report to school late.yeah!!
well, have a nice night everyone.
9:14 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008Y
today school as per normal...
took back e-maths paper.got 44/50...
so many careless mistakes.after maths got pe.
it was fun playing volleyball.so fun!!next week gonna play it again!!
after that was recess...
chinese then got back paper again.
got 41/70.
although not very high but it was good enough that i passed.
next time try harder lorx.
after chinese was physics.
mr chan taught some text before giving us back the paper.
but only for the section B and C.
and i only got 18/30!!!
hope i can do well in MCQ...
after that was a-maths...
got back paper.got 42/50.
all careless mistakes!!!!!!!
if not i could have gotten full marks like joslynn.
lols.since its over, then i shall do better next time.
like wad mdm padma have said, "learn from your mistakes".
i gotta learn from my mistakes and not to repeat it again...
ate rice then went for afternoon class.
lesson was boring...
maybe because it was in the afternoon then very tired and also after that got training.
i was falling asleep when joslynn suddenly say, "its raining already!".
i suddenly become so energetic.
dunnoe why also.hahas.
got hmk...then finally lesson ended.
training started...
as it was raining, we did skipping first.
400 skips.
coach joe arrived.
talked to us about some rules.
then training started cos the rain was stopping.
ran around the court.when coach blow the whistle, we have to pivert and run in the opposite direction.
so fun!!
stretched, then did lots of ball works.
tried balancing one both legs as well as one leg in a minute.
also tried closing our eyes during the balancing.
julia was like flying an earoplane.then keep crashing onto me.
7th and 8th March got netball camp!!
although its only one night but its gonna be a very fun camp.
after training went home...bathed...ate dinner.
came online to post and chat on msn.
now chatting with trina and julia.
just now joslynn also online but she gtg liao...
first time see her online.
later still got hmk need to do and chi still got test tmr...
before i leave, i just wanna post my birthdays presents.
Starting with the card yuhling gave...
you see this one you will know is who give de liao...
its MUNYAENG!!!!
trina's card...
and she said that the page on the right was to be filled by myself.hahas(:
the big big doreamon was given by the 10 ppl on the card gaven by trina..
there is a bell attached to it but i took it out cos it was kind of noisy.
like when i wanna hug it at night when i sleep, then the bell just keep making noise.
scared everyone wake up...hahas.
so i replaced the bell with my small/mini doreamon which i had since young.(:
another picture of it(:
this cow was given by joslynn.
next is a handphone thing given by yuTing.
this is given by genShun laoShi(:
the card with the keychain...
the words on the card are meaningful!!
a note written by laoShi(:
then this is given by my deareast gege!!
trina gave me this during Christmas exchange(:
thats all i have and i really thank those who gave the presents and wished me happy birthday. thanks for everything.and you all are my greatest friends(:
see ya!!
8:00 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008Y
today is fun!!
morning went church.
combine service.
then got 1520.
the presentationS were nice and interesting.
after that waited for some others who was attending mu dao ban.
others went to office with genShun laoShi to play charades.
i played until my fingers hurt a lot.sob...
went for lunch.
laoshi drived van and fetched us to Kallang Leisure Park.
went to ice-skate.
the price is 13dollars for students with student pass then the skates is 3.50dollars.
then teacher say each of us pay 6.50dollars can already.
others bought gloves cos they didnt bring, but i did...hehes.
skating started.
think it is better then the jurong one cos not so crowded although it is smaller.
but all in all is fun!!!
the pictures are in the camera...
so i only got the pics i took after wearing the skates.
i got 3 blisters!!pain sia.
after skating, teacher treated us to some snacks.
then fetched us back to church.
weiTing's father came to fetch her.
so walked to bus-stop and took 147 home.
damn tired...feel asleep but luckily never oversleep.
brother's friends came to our house.
so must wait until they all go back home then i can start my homework.
if not i very early finish all my homework liao...
anyway, mother ordered 4 pan pizzas!!!
such a feast!!
after that chiong-ed homework.
chemistry worksheet dunnoe how to do.
lucky yuTing was online.
asked her how to do.
then she also sent me an MMS.
then i found all the answers in my brother's textbook.
so i took the pictures in my phone then sent it to her.
hahas...sounds like exchanging answers!!!
after chemistry, went to learn chinese.
tomorrow got ting xie...i hate it!!
sec 3 still got ting xie..hais...
anyway, i gtg already.
but just before i end this post, have a look at wad the skates did to my leg!!!
its okkay if you do not want to view it(:
blister on my big toe ):
another blister...
the last blister!!
really very pain sia...sob...
kkies.gonna sleep liao.
tmr got school as well as training.
see ya everyone!!
remember to tag when you leave.
thank you...
11:57 PM