taken on monday, 14th April 2008.no maths olympiad and netball training.
so we took some pics in class(:
yuhling is PRO!!!
trina, me and yuhling.
yuhling, me and trina.
yuhling, me, joslynn and trina.
me and trina.
balance something on your head can help you concentrate.lols.i tried it(:
following pictures are taken on tuesday, 15th April 2008, as you can see joslynn wearing the tie.she was my camera victim that day.
joslynn juggling yuhling and trina's wallet.wakaka.gotcha!!
our class board!!!so cool!!
joslynn looked shocked!!blurred!!
yuhling noticed it but not joslynn.
this time, she knew i was taking.hahas!!
trina tying hair, yuhling twisting, me...just smile.hahas!!
joslynn is really studying very hard!!
joslynn shouting??
munyaeng and i.
caught joslynn drinking in class.and she offered me.
i dun like winter melon.
i know i look wierd!!
joslynn and jitlyn(: 
continue of the syf pics.enjoy!!