well, last day of work attachment.
told myself that i must enjoy myself and play with them all i can.
and i did.
morning they had chinese lesson as usual.
then helen told me that i could go out to help jiawei's class because my class having lessons and tang laoshi can manage them.
i went out but couldn't play much with them.
dunnoe their names and so on.
so just sat there and watch them.
awhile later, helen told me to go in cos my class was going to the park soon.
went in to cool down a little.
they had some work to do, which is drawing.
and i expected something to happen which really did happen!!
i actually dun wan to sit at Ryan's table.
but Wilber and Winson dragged me there.
so no choice.
Ryan dunnoe how to draw...so he just sat there ubtil everyone finished their work and left with him at the table.
i wanted to leave him there but he kept holdong me back.
he kept asking me to help him draw but i can't!!!
its not that i dunnoe but its that, that IS his work.
i can't probably draw for him!!
moreover, i taught him how to draw it few days back!!
so i didn't care about him...and he showed me that ********** face.
argh!! 气死我了!
he spoilt my day!!
the kids were so excited when they were told that they will be leaving for the park soon.
they followed tang laoshi's order to drink lots of water and go to the toilet before they leave.
today my class got 7 ppl.
Edsel was sick.hope he get well soon(:
we held on each other's hands when we walk to the park.
didn't take pics with my phone cos i didn't bring.
when we reached there, we took off our shoes and went in to play!!!!
the girls went for the swng and the guys to the sand.
at first was taking pics with helen's camera, unfortunately, the memory card was full.
so cant take anymore already ):
so i went to play with them instead.
i carried them onto the swing, pushed them high up, played sand with them, and many more.
the weather was scorching.
everyone was sweating and there were also quite a number of mosquito.
we stayed for an hour before going back to school.
after washing our hands, we sat down to cool down a little and replenish the amount of water lost in our body while playing at the park.
after that, they had english lesson.
they learnt the letter T.
they did some work before they can read their book.
they had lunch and it looked so nice to me!!
wanted to try it badly.!!
after they have eaten, they went to bathe and then read a book then sleep.
when they went to sleep, i went upstairs to look for joslynn they all.
only left joslynn's class haven sleep cos they are the oldest among the kids there.
they still had ws to do.
so jiawei and i sat there to look at them work.
joslynn, kunHow and kuangJun guided them along.
when they finally get to bed, we left the place.
took 155 to toaPayo.
ate mac.
then hurried back to our working place cos we still want to visit the park again!!
the weather was slightly cooler.
there were two guys sitting on the swing.
but they let us have the swing in the end. lols.
we played and joslynn can really swing very high!
think can touch the tree also. hahas.
however the two guys, kunHow and kuangJun couldn't.
maybe kuangJun's leg too long thats why cannot swing high.
hehes. no offence.
when it was time, we headed back to work.
my class had their play time at the garden again.
so no rest for me.
played around with them.
joslynn's class joined us too.
it was so crowded outside and it began to pour...
everyone stayed in shelter.
was kana attacked and chased by a boy in joslynn's class.
he kept tickling me and he made me run like mad.
somemore it was raining and i was so afraid that i would slip...
when joslynn's class went in, my class was still outside playing.
i carried Winson up.
when i put him down, he told me this :
jonea, tell you something...i like you.
then he kissed my hand!!!
omg!! he suddenly shouted: hey guys!! i kissed jonea's hand!
lols. then yana also came beside me.
at that moment, i felt like i was their mother again.
cant believe this is happening!!!
finally, we can go back in.
played a game whereby you need to follow the rythm and say wad you would do when you are happy.
there's actions too!!
and i spinned till i was giddy.
next game i forget wad we call it.
it goes like this:
a puppet will be passed down the circle.
when the music stops, the one holding the puppet will have to perform something.
actually the teacher made it to a point whereby everyone must perform something.
and that means, i have to perform too!
guess wadi performed??
i sang!! first time to other ppl.
was quite nervous.
but just anyhow sing and i think i sang wrongly cos the words dun fit the rythm...
hahas. too long never sing that song already larxx.
i sang this part:
当我们同在一起 在一起 在一起
当我们同在一起 真快了无比。
i didn't know how to continue mahx. lols.
after that game, they can play wadeva they wan.
played an interesting game.
never see before though.
and i built a swing out of it following the manual!!
when they left, i gave them the present...
then joslynn and kunHow came down and asked me to go to the office.
helen asked us to choose a paper on the table to see which number we have chosen.
i chose 2!!
didn't thought that helen would give us gifts too! quite surprised.
and i hope she would like the THANKYOU card we made for her(:
kuangJun chose number 1 which is a leather wallet i guess.
2 is me...got a small bottle of shower gel form Body Shop.
3 is kunHow, he got a cd which we all dunnoe wad isit. hehes.
jiawei chose 4...which is a hand therapy thingy from Body Shop.dunnoe wads that though.
lastly, joslynn took 5, which is a cake of soap...also from Body Shop.
we left her office, i handed all the gifts to the kids as we were leaving already.
handed the remainings to the teacher to distribute to others who are not here.
i prepared 10 but my class actually got 11.
but luckily, the plastic bag inside got 2 more extra cake.hehe!!
we took our stuff and left.
couldn't bare to leave the place.
bid farewell to everyone and we headed home.
joslynn said that she had a headache and she looked really sick.
hope she rest well. (:
as uaual, alighted at the sasme stop and changed to 147.
when i reached hime, came to use the com, bathed then went to sleep at 6.30pm.
wanted to wake up before 7pm.
instead, i woke up at 9pm.hahas!!
ate dinner...came to post.
few pictures for the day.
jiawei and i...at the park(:

jiawei amd joslynn.
kunHow and kuangJun at the swing...
joslynn, jiawei and i (:

joslynn, just came down from the monkey bar...
the swing i constructed.
it was my hardwork and the children there destyed it.sad ):
pic is taken by Yana.
last time we are gonna see this...

the shower gel i received!! thank you helen!!
present given by jiawei.
few things i want to comment about the students.
they left me with really good memories!!
staring with...
Wilber; He is a very clever and handsome boy. His laughter and everything seems so cute to me. Sometimes, i would think that how nice it would be if he can be my younger brother!! or maybe my little boyfriend?? lols!!
Winson; another clever and handsome boy. he likes to jump on me and hug me. He gives me a motherly feeling.
Aaron; cute and talkative. He loves to talk about the shows especially transformer!!!
Ryan; the only one that i dun really miss that much. hehes!! cos he always pressurise me. then keep showing me that pathetuc face of his so that i would help him. but was glad that i held back myself today! he have got to learn to be independent!! Quite horny. thats only wad i think larx!!
Edsel; also love to talk to me about many many things. his actions are very funny and he is fun to be with.
Yana; my favourite girl. so innocent. her parents are Korean and Japanese. to me, she look more like Korean!! like mother like daughter. hehes! cos her mother is Koreean and father is Japanese. She also likes to stay close to me and hold my hand. another one which made me feel like a mother. She is quite shy but she is really pretty and have a sweet voice(:
Gwen; love to talk to me also!! with many many different things. her actions are very funny and i can see that she love pets because she always want to be the pet when playing dressing up/family. hehes. cute girl!!
Raine; the girl who loves to beat me. hahas. she is small in size, don't really like to work, and a very very soft voice(:
well, thats about it all!!
i will miss those kids.
still got 3 which i never see before,
so...sob...hope we can meet again.
i will never forget the memories that i had when i am with you guys.
thank you for loving me so much! muackxx.
i will always remember how you all fought to hold my hand, how you pulled me along and play with you all, your laughters, your voices and so on!!
): feeel like crying out now... sobs.
and dun forget me!!!
see ya!!
10:25 PM
today, 29th May 2008, Thursday is the last day of work attachment.
we have been reporting earlier and earlier.
hahas. good sign though.
punctuality can show that you are a responsible person.
anyways today was like usual...
played with them and all that.
but i can't split myself into many many parts.
one girl asked me to make this...another guy ask me to make another thing.
then another guy asked me to play with him.
omg!! how?!?!?!?
and i have been tolerating that **** for today.
he has got a little attitude problem i guess.
hais.dun say le larxx.
after today i won't see him again.
during their lunch, we left.
when we were walking down the overhead, 153 passed.
we missed the bus and we were all sian diao liao.
so we waited for the next bus.
when it finally comes, nobody flaged for it and there it goes again for our second bus.
argh!!!! the third bus finally came and we headed to hougang mall.
went to popular to find a suitable card to make a THANKYOU card.
kuangjun and kunhow went off in another direction.
then we suddenly realised that we haven take our photo yet.
so jiawei called kuangjun and luckily, they were still at the interchange.
met outside hougang mall to take a group photo and we separated again.
jos, jiawei and i went to Kodak to print our photo out.
headed to popular again to buy the A4 card.
went to the library to do the card.
handwriting are done by jiawei, drawings by joslynn and i did nothing!!!
after completing the card, we went back to Kodak to have it lamenated.
so nice larx!!
first time seeing the procss.
lastly, is to buy some gifts or rather snacks for our little kids.
after spending some time going round, we bought all our things and we headed to the library to wrap all those stuffs.
jos and i took out all the packing and started to wrap.
but it was quite difficult to wrap there cos we do not have scotch-tape.
so we headed home.
reached home...watched tv...had dinner...did the heymath online hmk...slacked then came to post.
just for your information, i just finished wrapping 10 gifts and i hope i didn't miss anybody out.
really hope that they wil like the stuffs inside it.
spent about 1 hour plus wrapping.
and this is the outcome!!!
my first attempt!!!

the ten gifts!!!
oppsy.made a mistake!!
the class i took is K1, not K2.
K2 is joslynn's and kunhow's class.
taken in the popular.(:
joalynn is the super model!!
here comes our group photo.
kunagJun's face kana blocked.
kuangJun looked like giant.
so we asked him to lowerdown.

and he sat down at the side.
but unfortunately, he was cut by a little.

the perfect one.
jiawei writing the card!!
her handwriting is super duper nice larx.
like computer print out one.
and it looks better than it.
woah!! pei fu pei fu!!
joslynn reading kiddy's book.haha!!
joslynn getting down to serious work... which is drawing the 5 person.
Ksquare Jcube(:
wow.this sounds like a band!! hahha!

the oucome!! isn't it gorgeous??!?!

after lamenating!!! 

the stuff we bought for the kids!!!
joslynn's stuff for her class's kids(:
my first attempt at the library.
and it looks ugly!!!
woah!! its 2.38am liao.
tmr is last day of work attachment.
hope we can have all the fun we can.
11:20 PM